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Homeseed’s 2024 Mortgage & Real Estate Spring Update

Welcome to Homeseed’s 2024 Spring Market Update! We are in the thick of the spring market and  there have been many promising shifts in the real estate and mortgage markets recently. Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or a hopeful buyer, the current market presents ample opportunities worth exploring. Let’s delve into the latest trends shaping the spring market and what they mean for you.

Mortgage Rate Outlook

The trajectory of mortgage rates has been a focal point for many, and recent developments shed light on what lies ahead. Since the outset of the year, rates have shown an upward trend, influenced by factors such as inflation dynamics and the strength of the labor market. While initial projections hinted at multiple rate cuts by the Fed in 2024, the latest forecasts suggest a more conservative approach, with one potential cut on the horizon. Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s reaffirmation of a probable cut underscores the Fed’s commitment to stabilizing inflation. However, the timing of this adjustment hinges on forthcoming economic indicators.

Inventory Is Increasing

Recent data on inventory signals a welcomed uptick in available homes especially when compared this time a year ago. This surge in inventory translates into a plethora of choices for both homeowners seeking upgrades and prospective buyers eyeing entry-level properties. For first-time buyers particularly, increased options alleviate some of the affordability concerns exacerbated by fluctuating mortgage rates. Simultaneously, current homeowners looking to sell find themselves in a favorable position, with heightened demand and an array of properties to explore.

Home Values Are Expected to Continue Appreciating

The continued increase in the value of homes underscores the allure of owning a home as an investment. Unlike renting, homeownership offers the dual benefits of shelter and equity accumulation. As the housing market continues its upward trajectory, homeowners stand to bolster their financial portfolios through accrued equity. Projections from the Home Price Expectations Survey paint a promising picture of sustained growth in home values over the coming years. This steady appreciation not only solidifies homeowners’ positions but also presents a compelling case for prospective buyers weighing their options. By capitalizing on the potential for long-term wealth accumulation, homeowners can leverage their equity to unlock new avenues of financial stability.

Opportunities in the Spring Market

The spring market offers a wealth of opportunities for both homeowners and homebuyers alike. With mortgage rates poised for potential adjustments later this year, it is estimated that 5 million buyers will enter the market for every 1% drop in mortgage rates. Coupled with the expanding inventory landscape, now is the time to stay informed and consider strategic financial decisions. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current home or embark on the journey of homeownership, reach out today and lets discuss the opportunities for you this spring.

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